

As a freelancer, keeping track of time spent on customer projects can be a challenge, especially if you need to record time across multiple systems. Many time writing apps are cumbersome and difficult to use, leading to wasted time and frustration. At the end of the day, you might spend hours recording your time in different systems, just to synchronize that time with other systems.

To address this issue, we’ve created MyTime, a time tracking solution that leverages the power of Google Calendar. With MyTime, you can quickly add events to an additional calendar, complete with a short description for each task. At the end of the week, you can synchronize your calendar with a Google Sheet, providing you with a simple and efficient way to track your time as a freelancer.

MyTime is a versatile tool that can be used for tracking time spent on customer projects, as well as for monitoring your own work hours. Our tool has been recognized in the Google Apps Script Documentation as a recommended solution for recording time and activities in Calendar and Sheets. For more information about MyTime, please refer to the original article “Record time and activities with Google Sheets, Calendar and Apps Script” available on Medium.

Although some of the information in our video may be outdated, it still provides a useful demonstration of MyTime’s functionality as part of the sheetToApps series. We invite you to give MyTime a try and experience the benefits of an efficient and streamlined approach to time tracking, both for your own work hours and for customer projects..